Monday, June 01, 2009

Me Graduated Now

The Crowning Event of my closing CSULB career occurred last night. It was the Advanced Documentary track Student Showcase, where my film, No Place Like Home, debuted. After weeks and weeks of intense, tiring, glorious work, my doc hit the big screen at the William Link Theater on campus. It received praise all around!

I grimace to think of all the premature and needless fretting I exposed beforehand- The sound isn't perfect- That voice-over happened too soon...True, it needs a little fine tuning, but the other fact that's just as true is, people dig it! :)I am so thrilled!!! I look forward to cleaning the film up, and begin to learn the festival submission process. I am so thankful I stayed on another year to do a film production minor- and for Kirk Marcolina who was hired 3 days before the start of the Fall semester to take on my class- he is brilliant- a true God-send- I learned so much from him!


Happy graduation to all Spring 2009 graduates!


NariceatL4 said...

Wow--It's amazing to think that you could submit your film... and it could win a prize... or someone could hire you to make another film because of it, or you could get a grant--or a big producer will come along and want you to expand the film, or, or, or... the possibilities are endless and .... bindmoggling!!

Wendster said...

I wish your movie was online!

I want to show it to ALL of my blog friends and my pen pal in New Jersey!!!


Cannes Film Festival ... I see Dawn D Wawn D in your future.